The Battle Thereafter

The battle after surviving abuse is equally as challenging as overcoming the abuse itself. Some people take months and even years to fully recover and to have their dignity and confidence restored. There will be flashbacks of the abuse. It can also manifest through nightmares and episodes of anxiety and panic attacks. It is truly a psychological battle; however, it is a winnable battle, and the victim does not have to suffer forever.

Here are five things that can help you kickstart the healing process if you have suffered abuse.

  1. Make it a habit to affirm yourself.

    Abusive people will breakdown your emotional walls by ruining your self-confidence and will make you think that you are worthless. Therefore, it is important to restore your confidence first; this way, you can have the motivation to continue the battle. The best way to do it is to see the good in you, and the first person who should see it is you.

  2. Take care of yourself.

    Though the battle after surviving abuse deals more on the psychological aspect, it is still important to take care of your physical health. When you are healthy, your mind works better. It also helps if you take care of your appearance. When you look good, you feel good. And always remember, self-love is key.

  3. Breathe in, breathe out.

    Stress can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. When you are stressed, your brain releases cortisol. By taking deep breaths, your heart rate slows, and the increase of oxygen in your bloodstream will tell your brain to relax. Deep breathing also increases your endorphins, the “happy hormone”. This is one way of lessening stress-induced anxiety attacks.

  4. Look for an outlet.

    Finding a positive outlet you can use to expend your energy will greatly help you become more productive and will also help keep your mind off of negative things. It can be through art, sports, going out with friends, or simply doing chores. Anything will help, as long it keeps you busy.

  5. A trustworthy confidant is a must-have.

    What makes the battle winnable is the fact that you don’t have to face it alone. Someone you can confide in with full confidence can help take off your emotional burdens. A conversation without judgment will go a long way in your healing process.

The process of fully recovering is long and tedious. There are going to be times wherein you are going to feel like you are going back in forth. But keep heart, and heed God’s promise:

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. Psalm 30:5 NLT

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About The Author

Alice Faye Wimberly currently resides in Huntingdon, Tennessee, with her new, loving husband. Together they work to spread the importance of relationships built on trust, respect, and a dedication to God. She finds comfort in empowering the members of her church and her readers to make the best of their lives, and she works to encourage all people to find fulfillment and peace.